After receiving the feedback that I had gotten from my supervisor about my research ideal, I decided to type out the finalized Proposal for hand in.
I feel as though I was able to type out my intentions of my idea and research throughout the document and what my intentions are with the project.
Lastly, I decided in the end to create short animations of a armature (with a specific personality), doing basic movements such as:
Walk Cycle (I will experiment first with a neutral walk cycle and then try to create a walk cycle with the ideal personality that I want to show)
Emoting - The armature being animated to show anger, happiness, sadness (perhaps even use a mouth set to show it)
Interacting with objects - Standing and Sitting, holding objects etc
Here is the final proposal below:
What I had also managed to do was book out some books from the University's library. The reason why I did this was, apart from using them as research but also being able to use the university's facilities to my advantage. They had a huge range of material which I found useful so I decided to find what I needed the most.
The books I ended up borrowing from the library were:
Stop Motion animation: frame by frame film-making with puppets and models - Barry J.C. Purves
Body Language: How to read others' thoughts by their gestures - Allen Pease
Frame-by-frame stop motion: the guide to non-traditional animation techniques - Tom Gasek
Acting and character animation: the art of animated films, acting and visualizing - Rolt Giesen and Anna Khan