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  • Writer's pictureAnthi Metaxa

03/03/2023 - Standing Up Reference

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Since I have managed to talk about sitting down, in my previous post, I decided to focus on standing up as well. To be honest, for this experiment, since I already had some personalities that I experimented with for my sitting down I just decided to use the same ones so they would stay consistent.

Exhausted - Standing Up

For this experiment, I wanted to play around with the idea of an exhausted worker. So, I really liked the idea of me slapping my hands against my leg and creating this weight of not wanting to leave the chair. I even liked the way I walk out of the frame, it is more of me dragging myself out.

Casual - Standing Up

What I really liked about this one, was that, even though it is casual, before I stand up I wanted to put more of the weight on my neck and give a 'lazy' reaction to standing up.

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