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  • Writer's pictureAnthi Metaxa

03/03/2023 - Sitting Down Reference

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

After having filmed my emotive references with my walk cycles, I wanted to experiment by making myself sit down and stand up. So, for this post, I will focus more on the reference of me sitting down. I wanted to create some sort of personality as I was filming my reference footage.

I didn't know which personality to pick so I decided to play around with different types.

I took inspiration from Kevin Parry's video '50 Ways to Sit' and a remastered version he had done in 2019.

Again, the whole idea is the performance of the character so I wanted to try to find as many useful references as I could. I also thought that it would be interesting to have a walk that would be like a build up to the

personality type that I wanted to create.


Personality type 1:

This version I wanted to portray someone who just got home from a hard day of work and is exhausted. By making it more animated, I wanted to over emphasize the slouch in the body shape. I also wanted to make sure that the legs would walk slowly and there would be more weight as the feet hit the ground.

Personality type 2:

So for this experiment, I wanted to try a polite and well mannered person. I did this by making sure I cross my legs properly as I sit down and I allow my hands to rest on my legs after sitting down.

Personality type 3:

For this experiment, I wanted to do a really casual kind of movement. So the movement for the walk isn't really stylized in any way but it is more when I sit down on the chair it feels like there is personality. I notice this, as I sit down on the chair, I am slanted and I seem more comfortable and confident in the chair.


(1) (n.d.). 50 Ways to Sit (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Mar. 2023].

‌(2) Parry, K. (2017). 50 Ways to Sit. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2021].

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